RSA Global Update: May 2016

Fellowship news

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  • Global

This month RSA staff are participating in debates and contributing to thought leadership about some of the major challenges facing countries across the globe. As we plot a new portfolio of international partnerships that can maximise the RSA's impact beyond UK borders, we’d love to hear from Fellows and organisations who can help make our presence meaningful around the world.

EU Civic Roundtable - Germany 

Interim Director of RSA Global Joe Hallgarten will be heading to Berlin for a rountable that will discussing the role of Europe in the world, migration challenges and the associated changes to social capital and social contracts, as well as prospects of inclusive economic growth and trends relating to social mobility and growth. Joe will also be meeting with Fellows in Berlin.

Read Joe's recent blog about the predicament of European values.  

Talking Basic Income - Switzerland

At the beginning of the month Director of Policy and Strategy Anthony Painter gave the keynote address on Basic Income at the world's foremost conference on the Future of Work. The conference confronts the notion that the technological revolution requires a social (r)evolution. The conference, organised by the Gotlieb Duttweiler Institute has attracted some of the greatest thought leaders and radical minds on this emerging topic. 

Watch a replay of the event

Fair Sharing Economy - France 

Continuously contributing to the global dialogue on the Sharing Economy, RSA Senior Researcher Brhmie Balaram will be speaking at the world's largest conference on the topic - Ouishare in Paris, along with RSA Associate Director Ben Dellot. 

Read Brhmie's latest blog on the phenomenon of 'gig' work

Creative Public Leadership - Spain

In an effort to support our global systems in defining the key drivers of system innovation in education, WISE is hosting a public event to promote the work on creative public leadership. Joe Hallgarten will present the report at a panel discussion and share ideas required to inspire, drive and achieve such change on a systems level. Following this event, Joe will meet up with Spanish Fellows. 

Read the Creative Public Leadership report

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