RSA Lead-shift - Choices, Decisions & Voice

Fellowship news 2 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

RSA LEAD-SHIFT – we are looking to run a new series of lunchtime workshops in partnership with forward-thinking organisations in the South West.

In these lunchtime workshops, RSA Fellows Jane Ginnever & Alan Bec will facilitate how formal and informal leaders explore their participation in everyday choices and decisions. What control do we really have over our thoughts and actions? Are our current models of organising and contributing to work just habit? Are there more empowering ways to organise good work together in the 21st century?

This RSA workshop has been designed to support the RSA’s #GoodWorkIs initiative, and is open for curious minds to explore how we voice leadership choices and notice what things influence our decisions at work and in the community. We’ll have lunch, utilise our shared experiences, reflect on models and new scientific theories, all of which will suggest alternative ways of organising ourselves.

By the end of this workshop you will have explored others’ views of the world and organisations, have a greater understanding of how you make choices, have a vision of alternative possible futures for yourself and your organisation, have a greater sense of control over your choices and your decisions, and have identified some simple shifts you can make after in just a 90 min. lunchtime break.

Whether you consider yourself as formal or informal leaders, whatever your diverse backgrounds inside or outside of organisations, you are all equally welcome to join us in exploring your choices and the way you make decisions.

  • We are looking for fellows with a workplace venue, that are happy to host this lunchtime event (preferably with catering and full accessibility) for up to 20 participants.
  • The venues have to be in a central city location within the SW area i.e. Bristol, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Exeter, Bath

Please contact Jane Ginnever FRSA ([email protected]) if you are interested in hosting a workshop.

These inclusive workshops are free, but booking is required as numbers are limited.


Jane Ginnever FRSA                                       Alan Bec FRSA

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  • I also work from home, but would be happy to host a workshop in Exeter on changing careers - something people are doing at all stages of their lives. I've gone from hotelier to investment banker to full-time (paid!) writer. Let me know if you're interested as I might get sponsorship from a venue so the only cost would be the lunch.

  • Hello, Unfortunately I work from home and therefore cannot facilitate a workshop however I am very interested in attending. Where can we register? 

    thanks, Katie Spackman

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