RSA Scotland Annual Report 2018

Fellowship news

Reflecting on the achievments of RSA Scotland in 2018 so far, and looking ahead to the year to come.

RSA Scotland is at an exciting time in its development.  We have always had the belief and ambition that RSA Scotland could be a leading part of the global RSA, and now are seeing this become reality.  Through the connections and ideas which our growing Fellowship brings to us, we are offering a dynamic space for RSA research activity to be delivered in practice; shaping policy in Scotland across a range of topics; and supporting the growth of the RSA’s worldwide network through collaboration.

The list of groups we have collaborated with is diverse and expansive, representing a range of activities from research to events.  We continue to be open to opportunities to work with other organisations who have similar goals around a more enlightened society, and welcome the sharing and impact that this offers us.


View the Annual Report here.

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