RSA welcomes six new Ukrainian Fellows since the escalation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Fellowship news

  • Picture of RSA Fellowship Team
    RSA Fellowship Team

Since the war in Ukraine escalated in February from its beginnings in 2014, several RSA Fellows have generously nominated and sponsored six new Ukrainian Fellows to join our community of changemakers.

It's been more than six months since Russia intensified its invasion of Ukraine. The effects have been devastating for the Ukrainian people, and the consequences have reverberated far beyond the borders of Europe. As Dr Oleysa Khromeychuk argued in her recent piece in RSA Journal, the war has brought the plight and history of it’s the Ukrainian people into sharp focus.

Since February, several RSA Fellows have come forward to support a group of Ukrainian people on their journey to become RSA Fellows. As a result, we’re pleased to welcome six new Fellows to the RSA.

For Father Athanasius McVay FRSA, nominating Ukrainians to Fellowship was an important show of unity and an opportunity to forge cultural ties between Ukraine and the rest of the world. While our Fellowship is proudly diverse, he noted that ‘Fellows build networks on things they hold in common’; something that is reflected in our shared values. These sentiments were echoed by Prof Tony Meehan FRSA, who highlighted ‘the international vision and reach of the society.’

In her RSA Journal piece, Prof Khromeychuk writes: “Our mental maps are formed from the places we visit, the languages we understand, the literature we read, the culture we appreciate, the people we meet and care about.”

The spirit of generosity shown by our Fellows is a testament to the global instincts of our community. We are proud to be able to offer discounted subscription fees to all new Ukrainian Fellows who join for the next three years.

The Fellowship Team continues to welcome nominations for new Fellows, and would be happy to discuss how we could make Fellowship more accessible to prospective members of our community.

Find out how you can engage with our work today here.

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