Creative Generosity: Our Work with SCLD

Fellowship news

  • Accessibility & inclusion

Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland, on an inspiring project with the Scottish Commission for Learning Disabilities (SCLD) to bring a group of new Fellows into the RSA.

I’ve been at the RSA for nearly 10 years as a member of staff, and have had the honour to work with an incredible range of thinkers and changemakers over that time. But if I am ever asked to highlight the piece of work that I am proudest to have been involved in, I don’t have a hesitation – it is the project that we set up in collaboration with the Scottish Commission for Learning Disabilities (SCLD) to bring a cohort of new Fellows into the RSA. 

From across Scotland, and covering a wide range of interests and ideas, this group have inspired, challenged, motivated and improved me and the organisation every step of the way.

SCLD have now released a series of videos profiling the work that each of the 7 Fellows have undertaken, and I must admit to being quite emotional watching them. 

Blazing new paths for others in society

It is not just the journey we have been on, or the creativity they all show – but critically, the generosity that underpins all of their work. 

They are not just artists, writers or community leaders – they are RSA Fellows blazing new paths for others in society, creating spaces where all are welcome and ensuring that success and opportunity is shared.

This generosity is desperately needed in the world we find ourselves in, where conflict and disagreement would appear to be in the ascendency. But the cohort, common to our wider global network, demonstrate the enlightened values of Fellowship which underpin our work. 

Share your work with us

Our Fellows, over 30,000 of them across the world, are the greatest resource and strength that the RSA could ever possess, and help ensure that we can be a collaborative force for good in the world.

So please, check out the videos. Be inspired by them. And share with us the work that you are doing, the ideas that you have for changing the world. 

By all being generous with our creativity we can be the change we want to see in the world – to paraphrase Margaret Mead, don’t ever doubt that a small group can change the world; in fact it is the only thing that ever has.

Jason Lyons

Ian Stones

Cameron Morgan

Leeane Clark

Adam Sloan

Thank you to our cohort of Fellows (Adam, Cameron, Ian, Jason, Leeanne, Marcia and Ross) for the difference they have made and to SCLD for the support and resource they have put into making this collaboration such a success.

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