Scottish Public Information Forum

Fellowship news

This event forms part of a programme of international events to highlight the importance of people, everywhere and equally, being able to exercise their right to access information. For more information go to

About SPIF

The Scottish Public Information Forum (SPIF) is an opportunity for rights holders and duty bearers to meet and discuss 'access to information' in Scotland and consider how laws which force disclosure of information are operating. Learning from each other is a key way to improve understanding and practice. If you work for the public sector, civil society or the private sector this meeting will be useful in your work, and members of the public are also invited to attend.

The Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland (CFoIS) has taken the initiative to organise SPIF and is keen to assist colleagues from the Third Sector to better understand their rights under freedom of information laws. Therefore we are delighted that GCVS has agreed to host SPIF in Glasgow. For more information about GCVS go to

Book your place here.

History of SPIF

SPIF’s remit is to ‘enable the long-term effectiveness of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FoISA) and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004’ (EIR(S)s). Its role is incorporated in the Scottish Government’s Six FoI principles published in 2007:

"Maintains effective relationships with the Scottish Information Commissioner and other key stakeholders- We ensure the effective operation of the Act by fostering and maintaining good working relationships on Freedom of Information with stakeholders such as other public authorities and the Scottish Public Information Forum."


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