Street Wisdom's winter wander-land

Fellowship news

Start 2016 with insight and inspiration from Street Wisdom, the social enterprise that's changing the way we interact with our urban environments on a global scale.

A brand new year is waiting. Resurface from the holidays with a January full of daily street adventures designed by RSA Fellow and creativity innovator David Pearl. It’s a great way to set a new direction and spark off a year like no other. And you’ll be supporting Street Wisdom’s global work as you take part.

Sign up to Winter Wander-land and receive a sequence of mindful messages beamed to your phone every day in January, giving you a simple but intriguing instruction to follow. Every message builds on the last, turning the start of the year into an unfolding adventure. It’s a refreshing and insightful way to start 2016.

In return for a small donation (minimum £10), you’ll give yourself the present of staying present as well as kick-starting Street Wisdom’s new year along the way. Your support means they can create a brand new website and build on the work they’ve done so far to bring inspiration to hundreds of people around the world, including many other RSA Fellows and staff.

Street Wisdom is an inspirational tool that uses the streets as an invisible university, enabling those who tap into it to find fresh answers to personal or work-related questions. Adopted by corporations, business and social groups across the globe, it produces profound results in just three hours of walking and wandering, guided by a series of easy-to-follow instructions.

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