The Incentive: a bold short film about climate change

Fellowship news

  • Climate change
  • Fellowship

The Incentive is a bold short film that looks at the obstacles to meaningful global action on climate change. It’s a rallying cry with the potential to engage new audiences in a visceral and entertaining way.

The Incentive team has just launched their Kickstarter campaign and they need your help.

The Incentive filmmakers. led by Rob Callender FRSA, believe that getting diverse, provocative and visceral narratives out there is an important step in bringing a sustainability mindset to the mainstream. About the script:

“We all want to achieve good outcomes and do so through decent means. When it comes to climate change, it may not be long before that is not an option any more, as this chilling, gripping movie reminds us.”

— Ha-Joon Chang, Economist, University of Cambridge,
author of ‘Economics: The User’s Guide’.


Find out more on The Incentive website and on Twitter and Facebook. The campaign runs until 24th September and they are hoping to raise £20,000 to get their vision on screens and to international film festivals. If you are interested in whether you can help them out in another way or to ask a question, the director and RSA Fellow Rob Callender would love to hear from you. Contact him at [email protected]

Support them here, tweet them @incentivefilm and help spread the word!

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