Triple cancer survivor and RSA donor to cycle from London to Tokyo

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Patrick McIntosh is a name you might recognise. The grandfather, chartered financial adviser and rugby supporter was among donors to the renovation of Rawthmells coffee shop and as such is recognised with a plaque on “The Steps”.

As well as being a supporter and great friend to the RSA, Patrick, who has survived three different types of cancer, continues to inspire others and support good causes. This year the 62 year old will cycle from London to the Rugby World Cup in Japan to prove what's possible after surviving bowel, prostate and skin cancer 

With the support of the England Rugby Football Union, Patrick, from Smallfield in Surrey, will set off from Twickenham Stadium, London on Saturday May 4, and will ride through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, before attempting to cross all of Russia in just 90 days 

Following the route of the original Trans-Siberian railway from St Petersburg to Vladivostok, he hopes to reach the opening game of the World Cup in Tokyo on September 20 – a journey of over 7,500 miles.    

But his epic trip will not stop in Tokyo. After reaching Japan and cheering on England in the Rugby World Cup, Patrick intends to continue his global cycle in 2020 by riding across North America and Iceland on his way back to the UK, visiting all four home nations before returning home to Surrey.    

Patrick is cycling to raise money for the World Cancer Research Fund, which supports cutting edge science into cancer risk factors and prevention, and his local hospice, St Catherine's, in Crawley.  

Previously after beating bowel, prostate and skin cancer in 2015, Patrick walked to the South Pole, supported by Conrad Dickinson, ex-SAS soldier and a friend of Prince Harry, receiving widespread media coverage and a nomination for a Pride of Britain award. He also climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in between operations to treat the disease. 

Now he is appealing to the RSA’s Fellowship to support his next journey. “I am proud to be a donor to the RSA and to have supported its social impact, inspired conversations and the exchange of ideas. I hope to make a similar impact and continue a global conversation that has already begun: that we should all stay active, think about our diet, get symptoms checked early and stay positive to increase our chances of preventing and beating cancer.   

"More and more people are now likely to live until they are 100, but we cannot be complacent about abusing our bodies and expecting the NHS and other health services to pick up the pieces when we get sick."  

To donate towards Patrick McIntosh’s Life Cycle – A Global Ride to Fight Cancer, please visit this page. 

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