UK’s first Green Living Plan revealed for Thame - Councillors vote to approve consultation

Fellowship news

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Thame could be the first town or city in the country to adopt a Green Living Plan, a public meeting in Thame Town Hall heard on Tuesday evening (19 June).

Members of the RSA Thame Group, led by Charles Boundy, presented their draft Green Living Plan to Councillors and more than 60 members of the community ahead of a vote for the GLP to go out for consultation with the people, commerce and other interested parties over the next three months.

The GLP is a plan to protect and improve the environment of Thame for the long-term health and vitality of the town and its community.

Thame will be producing a new Neighbourhood Plan over the next two years and the Green Living Plan is intended to be a key part of the evidence base supporting and influencing the forthcoming revision of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan.

Thame Town Council appointed the RSA Thame Group, a local group of Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce, three years ago to act as Honorary Consultants to assist the Council in creating a Green Living Plan. They have been working to produce the draft plan for the last 30 months consulting with many local volunteers and experts in the five areas covered by the plan.

These areas are colour-coded for ease of reference and are: Green – Open spaces, green routes and the natural world; Blue – Water; Red – Energy; Grey – Air quality and the natural environment and Brown – Waste and recycling.

The aim of the GLP is to help ensure that, as Thame grows and develops, the town remains a green, pleasant and healthy place to live and work. It should raise awareness and encourage action to enhance community quality of life.

Following the meeting, Thame Town Council issued a statement saying it ‘was very pleased to host an informative presentation by the RSA Thame Group on the draft Green Living Plan. A wide variety of questions, on traffic management, single use plastics, biodiversity, the amount of commitment, the consultation process and other topics were raised, which will help ensure that the Green Living Plan is right for Thame. At the Town Council meeting that immediately followed, the draft GLP was authorised to proceed to a consultation over the summer, probably starting in late July/ early August. The Plan will be a living document, that will benefit Thame forever.’

RSA Thame Group chairman Charles Boundy added ‘As the Plan develops we’ll be exploring funding opportunities from development and other sources, including looking for local sponsors or partners with green living initiatives. It is only with the support of local people and volunteers that we can achieve our aims. Practical steps for getting involved are included in the Plan.’

RSA Thame Group member George Westropp, who chaired the presentation, told the meeting ‘It is worth pointing out that Thame is the first town or city in the country to prepare a Green Living Plan. As Charles Boundy has said, ‘Thame is again a trailblazer’.’

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