Underkastelsen/Submission: A documentary about the chemicals in our lives

Fellowship news

  • Environment
  • Fellowship

The Scottish Ecological Design Association would like to invite RSA Fellows to a private screening of Underkastelsen, a film about chemicals in our environment by Stefan Jarl.

Screening: Thursday, 1 December 2016, 18:00 to 20:30

Location : Room G.04, University of Edinburgh, 50 George Square, EH8 9JU

Register here

Unlike other documentaries that focus on chemicals in our food, “Submission” investigates chemicals we are exposed to in our daily lives, such as softeners (phthalates), flame retardants (PBDE) and surfactants (PFOS, PFOA). The film considers the chemicals found in our bodies and shares the insights of many experts on the consequences of those chemicals for the world surrounding us and on unborn children.

Light refreshments and drinks will be available for purchase from 6pm. The film starts at 6.30pm. Running time is 87 minutes.

Tickets are free, but you will need to register here and search for SEDA or paste this into your browser

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