Upcoming RSA Fellowship Events in the US

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Here are a number of upcoming RSA Fellowship events in the US and details on how you can get involved.

New England US Fellows event –22nd June 2016

RSA Fellows based in the US are invited to a dinner co-hosted by Boston British Consul General Susie Kitchens, Rhode Island Secretary of Commerce Stefan Pryor and Lolita Jackson Chair of RSA US.
Venue: Brown University Faculty Club
Address: 1 Magee Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 
Date: 22nd June 2016
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Cocktail Reception:  5:00-- 6:15 PM
Dinner/Program: 6:15— 8:00 PM 

Reservations will be held on a first come first served basis with preference given to RSA Fellows based in New England. RSA Fellows are welcome to bring along their partner/spouse please include his/her name on your RSVP. The event is free for RSA Fellows and their spouses/partners.

Other guests are also invited to attend however they will be charged the cost of dinner of $60 per person.

Please visit this link to register for the event.

Kindly RSVP by 17th June 2016


NYC RSA Fellows Mixer - 28th June 2016

New York Based Fellows are invited to the NYC RSA Fellows mixer hosted by RSA Fellows – Eoin Billings and Duncan Jackson  
Venue: Billings Jackson Design
Address:. 7th Floor, 12-16 Vestry St, New York, NY 10005
Time: 6:30 – 8:30pm
Date: Tuesday 28th June 2016

Come join other fellows of The RSA for cocktails and conversation.  This is a great opportunity to meet the RSA US Board Chair Lolita Jackson, network and get to know each other.  We look forward to seeing you there. Please visit this link to register for the event.

Pacific Northwest Fellows event – 20th July 2016

Pacific Northwest Fellows are invited to attend a casual get together with Fellows of the RSA and the British American Project. The event will be
hosted by Lolita Jackson Chair of RSA US and Seattle British Consul Robin Twyman
Venue: Tulio Ristorante
Address: 1100  Fifth Avenue, Seattle
 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Date: Wednesday 20th July 2016

Come join other fellows of The RSA and the British American Project for cocktails and conversation. Seattle British Consul Robin Twyman will also join us and give a few remarks.  This is a great opportunity to network and get to know each other. We look forward to seeing you there.

Please RSVP at this link here. For further information, please contact [email protected]

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  • We are excited to host these events for the US fellowship, and there will be more scheduled for the fall.  I look forward to meeting many of you in the next six months.


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