Upcoming RSA Fellowship Events in the US & Canada

Fellowship news

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Here are a number of upcoming RSA Fellowship events in the US and Canada with details on how you can get involved.

Canada RSA  Fellows Event - 1st October 2016

Canadian Fellows are invited to the RSA Canada Charrette led by RSA Connector Lin Grist and Arlene Gould FRSA.

Date: 1st October 2016

Venue: South Dining Room, Hart House, University of Toronto

Time : 10:30am - 4:30pm

This event will be a planning session looking at the following:

1.   What issue/project, that affects us all across Canada, do you think would bring the Canadian fellowship together?

2.  How would you see this project moving forward in a way that brings the fellowship together? (Practical suggestions would be welcome)

Please contact Lin Grist to register for the event or for more information.



Washington DC RSA Fellows Event - 7th October 2016

Fellows based in the Washington DC metro area are invited to an RSA Fellows Event  hosted by C Braxton Moncure FRSA and his wife Debbie.

Cocktails and Hors d ’Oeuvres

Date: Friday 7th October 2016

Venue: 1614 Foxhall Road NW, Washington DC, 20007

Time:  6:00pm until 8:30pm

Come join fellows of The RSA for a casual get together of cocktails and great conversation.  This is a great opportunity to meet visiting RSA Director of Public Services and Communities, Charlotte Alldritt, to network with other Fellows of the RSA based in the DC area, hear about the exciting RSA projects and enjoy a lovely evening.

Please bring along any persons who you would like propose as a potential RSA Fellow.

Please visit this link for more details to register for the event.



Los Angeles RSA Fellows Event - 10th October 2016

Fellows based in Los Angeles are invited to a casual get together with Fellows of  the British-American Project.

Co-hosted by RSA US Chair Lolita Jackson and RSA Fellow Jasmin Blasco
Date: Monday 10th October 2016

Venue: The Max Bubeck Residence, 4166 Verdugo View Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90065

Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Come join fellows of The RSA and the British-American Project for a casual get together of drinks, nibbles and great conversation.  This is a great opportunity to meet the RSA US Board Chair Lolita Jackson, network and get to know each other and Fellows from the British American Project.  

Please visit this link for more details and to register for the event.

 We look forward to seeing you there. 

For further information, please contact: [email protected]

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