
Fellowship news

The InterReg NWE programme has awarded funding of 2.4 million euros for the VR4REhab project, which comprises of the Royal Free London (RFL), led by Children's Occupational Therapy with support from Dr Cherry Kilbride and therapies at RFL as well as Brunel University. Partners include Teesside University's Centre for Rehabilitation Sciences along with partners from universities, hospital and industry in the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium. They hope this three-year project VR4REHAB will change rehabilitative care dramatically.

See our website

The InterReg NWE programme is running a series of 'hackathons' across Europe this summer, bringing together developers in VR and digital technology with clinical experts, researchers and stakeholders (patients, children, families). The health experts will detail the issues and challenges faced with helping patients deal with various health problems, such as managing pain,  controlling movement and encouraging physical and social activity. Following the Hackathons, there will be a series of Game Jams to bring the ideas to prototypes to be tested in clinical trials over 2019.

The InterReg NWE programme would like to invite RSA Fellows to the VR4REHAB UK Hackathon to be held on 4th and 5th July at Brunel University West London. Please see our website and register via EventBrite.

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