What would a truly regenerative public transport solution for West Oxfordshire look like?

Fellowship news 1 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Back in 2013, a few RSA Fellows dared to imagine a more integrated and sustainable public transport infrastructure for West Oxfordshire. 

With the help of a small regional RSA grant, theWOT (Witney Oxford Transport) was set up.  Since then WOT collaborated with numerous local stakeholders to pushing the issue to the top of the agenda of elected representatives and greater public. 

A few days ago, WOT published a video introducing the basis for a truly regenerative solution for the district in questionWatch the video below:


Want to learn more about the group or get involved?  Contact Maurizio Fantato FRSA or Raymond Hall FRSA. 

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  • Congratulations to Witney Oxford Transport. We look forward to working with you.

    Christopher Gowers FRSA 

    Transport Solutions for Oxfordshire, inspired by the Transport Planning Society and concentrating on finding solutions to unmet transport for the lonely and isolated in the county using minibuses and private cars, where there is no public transport. A new trust, Oxfordshire Neighbourhoods & Villages Trust is in process of registration as I write to bring together disjointed initiatives and networks.  

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