Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: 2017 Travel Scholarships

Fellowship news 4 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Global

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust have now opened applications for their 2017 Travelling Scholarships.

WCMT funds British citizens to investigate inspiring practice in other countries, and return with innovative ideas for the benefit of people across the UK. No qualifications are required, just a project and the desire and motivation to improve their community, profession or field.

There are fourteen categories you can apply to, including two new ones: Enterprise and Migration, which have been added this year. 



WCMT see enterprise as a positive force in society that creates employment and enables financial stability and social good.

Enterprise increases the opportunity for organisations to improve their double bottom line, an important development in relation to measuring financial performance alongside social impact.

Applications are welcomed from people working within organisations with a social purpose, including charities, and commercial organisations embedding social good across their working practices. 

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Migration – living well together

Does your work strengthen cohesion and communication between communities? Are you keen to tackle isolation and support community engagement?

If the answer is yes, a Churchill Fellowship would give you the opportunity to visit other countries to learn from effective programmes and good practice in this field.

WCMT are interested in hearing from all areas of the sector, from grassroots organisations to policy makers. They welcome applications in a new category 'Migration - Living Well Together', that support communities to live harmoniously together and realise their economic potential.

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You can learn more about WCMT and view a full list of the scholarship categories on their website

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  • Hi Graham, I realise this is an old discussion thread now, but I am applying for the 2018 Churchill Fellowship. I am in the process of joining RSA at the moment, but noticed this and thought I'd make contact. I am applying in the field of Mental Health - Community Based Approaches, which is my area of work here in the South West. I wondered who it might be useful to connect with, as at this stage I don't know anyone at all. Any help or suggestions gratefully received. Best wishes, Debbie.

  • There are quite a few of us who are RSA Fellows and also received a WCMT Fellowship.  As a condition of the latter, we are committed to supporting others, so do shout out if you are considering applying or in the process of planning once awarded.

    Cheers, Graham

    • Hie Graham

      Good day. May I know whether the trust also funds non-British citizens?



      • Not that I am aware of. However, I believe that there are parallel organisations in the US, Canada, Australia, and NZ.  I suggest you look at the WCMT website to get an accurate answer, to look for links to these other organisations, or do a Google search.  Cheers, Graham

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