Your chance to get involved in shaping the Northern Powerhouse - People's Powerhouse Convention to take place in Bradford on 20 November

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship in Action
  • Leadership

The People’s Powerhouse, a movement creating diverse thinking and diverse solutions across the Northern Powerhouse, encouraging more focus on people and communities, is hosting its next convention at the Northern Commercial Stadium in Bradford on 20 November.

The aim is to create a dialogue about inclusive and good growth and its potential to transform communities and lives across the North of England.

It follows the huge success of the movement’s 2017 event in Doncaster where people across the North came together to share what’s working and what needs to change to make life in the North successful for all of us. The Movement now has an influential steering group, which includes Ed Cox from the RSA alongside IPPR North, CLES, Doncaster Council and Transform Lives Company.

Speakers will include People’s Powerhouse Chairman Edna Robinson, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, Leader of Bradford Council and chair of West Yorkshire Combined Authority Susan Hinchcliffe. Tony Walsh FRSA (Longfella) will be Poet in Residence for the day’s event. However as well as having speakers, the People’s Powerhouse is keen that individuals and groups have an opportunity to help shape the Northern Powerhouse agenda by showcasing their own ideas and actions. Follow this link to book your ticket.

Your chance to get involved
The People’s Powerhouse is opening up the opportunity for individuals or groups to host their own workshops at the event. All sections of the community are encouraged to contribute, including local people, public sector, voluntary, community, civic leaders and businesses - small and large.

Contributors can provide a ‘7 Minute Inspiration’ - a soapbox opportunity to showcase something they are doing, something they want to challenge, or an idea that they support with. Alternatively, more in-depth, hour-long interactive session are available, for an audience of up to 50 people.

For more information, follow this link.

Bradford drop-in with UnLtd
Together with Bradford Council and social investor UnLtd a drop in event will take place on 27 September in Bradford, for local groups and people who might want to get involved and help make the November event a success. To find out more and book a slot please email [email protected]

The People’s Powerhouse is looking for arts organisations, community groups and businesses to help make the event as inclusive as possible. The drop-in will be a chance for a natter on all things People’s Powerhouse and to hear Convention plans so please spread the word. From Workington to Widnes, Hull to Huddersfield…..we want to hear from you!

Book your place at the People’s Powerhouse Convention 2018
For more information on the event and to register to attend or host a workshop session visit their website here.

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