Issue 4 2015


In this issue:

We focus on communities. How can more communities play a bigger part in making change happen?

With contributions from Matthew Parsfield, Matthew Taylor, Jess Potter, Justin Forsyth, Anthony Giddens, Hilary Cottam, Jörg Wettlaufer, Indy Johar and Anthony Painter.

Read articles on Medium

  • Connected communities
    Building communities is not only intrinsically good; it can benefit the economy and public services too.

  • Charities and organisational change
    Justin Forsyth, outgoing Chief Executive of Save the Children, argues that charities must embrace organisational change.

  • Back to basics: rethinking the welfare system
    Embracing a citizen income for all requires a radical overhaul of the welfare state. It’s time for a rethink.

  • A common sense
    To solve complex societal problems, we must use both the communitarian and technocratic tools at our disposal.

  • Mind the gap
    Negotiating the pathway from rhetoric to reality in community-centred work is still the major challenge of our times.

  • Reality bytes
    Anthony Giddens and Matthew Taylor discuss what the digital revolution means for both institutions and individuals.

  • The shame game
    Moral emotions have long been used to change people’s behaviour, but is shaming still relevant in modern society?

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