The Politics of Climate Change

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Sustainability
  • Climate change
  • Energy
  • Environment

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Climate change has struggled to break through as a mainstream political priority in recent years. Meanwhile, globally, carbon levels in the atmosphere have continued to rise. But are we now witnessing a new political interest in all things green?

Thirty years on from the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988, and with thirty years to go to meet the Paris Agreement’s target of a carbon-neutral world by 2050, it’s a timely moment take stock of the current politics of climate change in the UK.

Theresa May’s launch of the 25-year environment plan in January was the first green speech by a Prime Minister in 15 years - and it’s fair to say parties across the spectrum have long failed to prioritise environmental issues on the political agenda.

However, the raft of recent government policy announcements seems to signal a change in the political weather - and has been accompanied by a surge of public interest in the issues, with popular documentaries such as Blue Planet II raising awareness of the crisis of ocean plastic pollution.

So can we seize this moment to drive the radical action we need to meet the climate change challenge? If there is now the political will to tackle the issue, what are the practical next steps that will need to be taken, not only by politicians, but by business, wider civil society and individual citizens?

Join us to hear from MP and Leader of the Green Party Caroline Lucas, and a panel of expert discussants, about the state of the political debate on climate change today, how we got here, and crucially, what it will take to make decisive and sustained progress in the ever more critical years ahead.

This event will be followed by a drinks reception and an opportunity for networking.

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