Re-Imagining the Future of FE & Skills

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Employment
  • Further education
  • Skills
  • Leadership


The very near future presents a critical turning-point for the FE & Skills sector; many challenges and opportunities, not least of which are around funding, in addition to Area Reviews and the commitment to 3 million apprenticeship starts, invite a raft of questions about the future of further education and skills training. How can the sector remain optimistic in the face of such change, and take advantage of this moment to develop a greater sense of agency and self-determination?  How can the sector improve public and political understanding of its role and inspire a new energy and optimism for its future?

This event marks the launch of Possibility Thinking, a compilation of new essays commissioned by the RSA in partnership with the Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL).  Its authors explore a number of ‘what if…?’ questions, imagining possibilities for future innovation and leadership across the FE & Skills sector. 

Join us at the RSA to explore and re-imagine custom and practice within technical and professional education, a sector which continues to be critical to securing social and economic flourishing – for this generation and into the future. 

Read the report 'Possibility Thinking'


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