RSA Oceania Board

RSA Oceania Board

The RSA Oceania Board is responsible for overseeing the affairs of RSA Oceania and making decisions on its behalf.

It consists of the Board Chairperson, appointed by the RSA, and an equal number of elected trustees, voted in by RSA Oceania Fellows, and appointed trustees, who are elected by the Board. Members have a term limit of three years, which is renewable for one term.

Mark Strachan, RSA Oceania Chair

Mark is a passionate designer and educator, committed to interdisciplinary, collaborative design and strategic development. His expertise draws upon over 35 years in industry, academia and consultancy where he has extensive experience in systems, services and product design & development.
Mark’s association with the RSA began in 1989 when he won a Royal Society of Arts Design Bursaries Competition. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 1995 and has been actively involved with the RSA ever since, including the Victorian Chapter, serving on the RSA A+NZ Board for 10 years and presently as Chairman of RSA Oceania. Mark is engaged in social change issues and the means by which to bring about change. He is also Chair of Slavery Links, an organisation that highlights issues on modern day slavery through education, research and policy development.

Mark Strachan

Erica Myers-Tattersall

Originally from the UK, Erica has worked in financial services, telecommunications and in the not-for-profit sector. Currently she works as a fundraising consultant providing strategic advice and support to charities across Australia and New Zealand.

Outside of work she is a professional DJ having performed across the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia playing British dance music and hosting radio shows on both pirate and legal stations. Erica also sits on the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League and represents the interests of Jamaican veterans and the Jamaica Legion.

She is an alumna of Swinburne and Victoria Universities, holding a Master of Business (Marketing) degree and Doctor of Business Administration. Erica has been a Fellow since 2008.

Erica Myers-Tattersall

Scott Phillips

Scott has 30 years’ experience in public policy, academic and business sectors.  He has worked with boards, executives and community groups to understand their needs and facilitate participatory planning, evaluation and business development. Scott is Director of Kershaw Phillips Consulting, which provides stakeholder engagement, service planning and evaluation research services to health, social sector, manufacturing and educational organisations.  His expertise includes multicultural and youth policy; social impact assessment; community engagement; integrated community services; and program evaluation. 

Scott is an Honorary Fellow of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, and a Delegate to the House of Laity of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia. 

His doctorate, from Oxford University, looked at the changing nature of people's local identity and sense of belonging in the context of increasingly national and global connections. 

Scott Phillips

Nicholas Bull, Director of Strategy and Governance

Nicholas worked exclusively as a barrister at the self-employed bar for the first ten years of his career before switching to the non-profit sector.

He now works both in an advisory capacity as a qualified lawyer providing general legal support to the RSA as General Counsel; he has specialist expertise in governance and data protection. He also has operational responsibility for supporting the RSA in its project management, commercial processes and developing corporate strategy.

Nicholas Bull

Ian Short

Ian Short has spent the last dozen years leading organisations focused on innovation for sustainable/smart cities, urban development and climate change. Before this he worked in senior roles in finance in Wellington, London and New York.

Currently based in Auckland, Ian is working with a broad range of organisations, developing and implementing strategies and business models that take a systems or integrated approach. These include an Iwi consortium, urban development organisations and a range of investors in NZ and internationally. He is also helping establish an investment partnership for climate and sustainable development goals in NZ and the South Pacific.

Until January 2017 Ian was CEO of Climate-KIC, the world’s largest climate change innovation partnership with 18 offices across Europe. Prior to this Ian helped establish and lead a London based not-for-profit delivering sustainable city pilots and an urban development corporation leading the regeneration of east London.

Ian Short

Jayne Meyer Tucker

Dr Jayne Meyer Tucker is an activist, author and alliance 'whisperer'. Drawing on her global experience in social transformation and her PhD research, she has extensively explored systemic relationship tensions. This is best played out in the decisions that humans and organisations need to make particularly during times of extreme change and uncertainty.

Jayne has worked across the Australian not-for-profit sector in Executive Board/CEO and advisory roles, having served as a member of the National Child Health Community Council, Centre for Social Impact Advisory Group, Impact Investing Australia Outcomes Advisory Group and the NSW Health Professional Council Lay Member panel, among others.

Jayne Meyer Tucker

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