RSA Oceania team

RSA Oceania Team

Philipa Duthie, Oceania Director

Philipa was appointed Director of RSA Oceania in September 2017, having occupied a number of strategic roles in the Australian network over the past five years. Philipa brings with her extensive knowledge of the not-for-profit and social change sector, and has previously worked in higher education and for the Queensland government.

Philipa’s work will focus on overseeing RSA Oceania's research agenda, brokering strategic partnerships and supporting regional networks and events. She is particularly looking forward to exploring new ways for Oceania Fellows to connect, both with each other and globally, while also collaborating with the RSA’s global research agenda in the areas of inclusive growth, the indigenous wisdom and democratic participation.

Contact Philipa: [email protected]

Philipa Duthie

Mun Wong, Design & Marketing Coordinator

Mun is a professional communication designer from Malaysia who has established his forte in corporate branding and visual identity design. He has recently completed his PhD studies at Swinburne University and is currently undertaking design work for non-profit organisations such as Slavery Links Australia Inc. and Camcare, where he brings a wealth of local experience in working with external key stakeholders, taking on briefs and transforming them into intuitive, accessible and high-end visual solutions.

His research work encompasses the field of social online platforms with a focus on leveraging the ubiquitous participatory culture and technology in graphic design learning environments. He integrates both real-world industry and academic practices to develop a new pedagogical framework based on the imperative shifts towards public, virtual critiques in contemporary graphic design learning. In the quest to diversifying his repertoire of research acumen, he currently conducts co-design workshops with university students, and service design workshops with clients and staff at Camcare as part of a social innovation initiative.

Mun Wong

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