Mustafa Suleyman: Has Technology Lost Society's Trust?

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Watch Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder and Head of Applied AI at DeepMind, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

Has technology lost society's trust? Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder and Head of Applied AI at DeepMind, considers what tech companies have got wrong, how to fix it and how technology companies can change the world for the better.

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  • If AI is boosting our powers of comprehension and intelligence, why can AI not explain why a significant proportion of the population instinctively feel distrust with the technology? Is it because AI is modelled on an outdated paradigm of how we humans are thought to neurologically function?

    Have you ever been in two minds over something? 

    When was the last time you made a decision, then searched for the evidence to substantiate it? You were using your instincts and supporting it with logic, not visa versa. We instinctively know when something feels right for us – regardless as to the quantity of logical data – it’s because we are utilising multiple brains. Which modern neuroscience has proven.

    AI assumes we have one neurological brain. Modern neuroscience establishes humans have multiple independent and interrelated neurological clusters (i.e., multiple brains), each with individual neurological processing characteristics.

    AI architecture is modelled on the logical characteristics a head brain and ignores the caring and compassionate characteristics of the heart neurological network/brain; the survival instinctive characteristics of the gut neuroglial network/brain and that’s just two additional neurological networks, there are more. Moreover, as the heart brain proves, size does not matter, as while the heart brain is the smallest of these three, the heart-brain electromagnetically has by far the most significant influence on our neurological performance - it is like the escape mechanism of a grandfather clock. It’s small, but it regulates the whole clock movement.

    So, is AI really making decisions like humans? Remembering, true wisdom is the ability of understanding from multiple perspectives - compassion and caring, creativity, courage and logic, not singular logic.

    Grant Soosalu, international leadership consultant and author, in the upcoming documentary ‘Make Me A Leader’ explains: “We have the opportunity to influence this developing technology and combine the findings of neuroscience with robotic technology and programming to help ensure a positive future for all.”

    Our understanding of the human potential is only just awakening, “The brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second, but we are only aware of 2000 of those”. In other words, we are only perceiving 0.0000005% of the information we are receiving! So there is considerable room for improvement, and at best we are in standby mode. 

    Until AI incorporate the neurological functions of our multiple brains, humans will instinctively distrust the technology. However, once accomplished, AI is likely to naturally address the limitations of inequality, detachment, and enable true societal benefit with the application of compassion and caring, creativity, courage as well as logic – which is what humanity striving to achieve.