RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering and Censoring Citizen?

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  • Behaviour change
  • Social innovation

In this new RSAnimate adapted from a talk at the RSA, author and journalist Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely empancipatory role in global politics.

In this new RSAnimate adapted from a talk at the RSA, author and journalist Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely empancipatory role in global politics.

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  • People who point the finger at something outside themselves that is causingall the problems are suspect. It is the looking inside that turns the tide. And while this may seem privileged to a psychologist coming from Yugoslavia looking at the unconscious effect of choices, it nevertheless comes closer to the truth. Knowing that there is the me that is also a witness to me—the observer of poor habits, repetitive thoughts, ineffective actions—allows the true self a part (the witness), to make adjustments in the world. Who is in control? Is it the Banks, who control debt? It it the corporations who control jobs? Is is my neighbor who rubs me the wrong way? These are illusions. It is the one who can witness what is the thought process and learn to change their mind and act appropriately. Until the illusion of the separate "me"—believed to be the doer of thought and action—is recognized for what it is, a mirage, there is no lasting inner or outer peace, nor is there self-awareness of the ineffable, unchanging Truth that underlies what is called reality.

  • Great concept but I found it hard to watch this as it sent my sight all over the place and I am not sure if it works for lengthy presentations.

  • Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office. I'll be back in the office on Tuesday 30th Aug.

  • The Choice animation.  Ha!  Brilliant.  And thank god, at last, someone has started 'officially' debunking choice.  Choice in schools, in hospitals, housing offices etc is pants, and a waste of everyone's time.  Why are our politicians so obsessed with it?