RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering and Censoring Citizen?

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  • Behaviour change
  • Social innovation

In this new RSAnimate adapted from a talk at the RSA, author and journalist Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely empancipatory role in global politics.

In this new RSAnimate adapted from a talk at the RSA, author and journalist Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely empancipatory role in global politics.

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  • Great video... but hey, aren't those youths we see on the streets of london? O.o

  • Great video... but hey, are those youths we see on the streets of london? O.o

  • But it is not just the government that is working against the threaten people, it is many Western companies that want to do business, not just in places like China, but in the US as well.
    In this more recent TED talk by Rebecca MacKinnon, a former head of CNN’s Beijing and Tokyo bureaus, MacKinnon is an expert on Chinese Internet censorship, the situation in Egypt and Tunisia are brought to light, and it is not much different than Morozov describes.
    "Well actually, we do want democracy and free expression, but there is some kinds of speech that need to be off-bounds because it's too violent and it might be destabilizing for our democracy." is the way one activist puts it.

  • Great video. The caption concludes with 'empancipatory role in global politics' - this should read emancipatory.