Fellowship Digital Services: Prototypes

Video 7 Comments

  • Digital

What should the ideal online Fellowship experience include?

The RSA is undertaking a 6-month agile, user-centred project to define a clear end-to-end digital ecosystem for Fellows supported by research, insights and prototype solutions that are tested and iterated with Fellows.

We’re now just over halfway through the project and have developed the first prototypes towards what we think the target online experience ought to be for Fellows, based on what you are telling us.

The three prototypes are designed to the address the following key needs:

  • What's in the Fellowship? - better orientation and visibility of what's inside the Fellowship (people and activity)
  • Finding Fellows - supporting connections and easy communication between Fellows
  • Collaborative Fellow spaces - inclusive, collaborative spaces for Fellows to share ideas and continue conversations.

Please watch the video and add your thoughts and feedback in the comments below...

Thinking about connecting with other Fellows online - what do you want to be able to do?​ Regarding online collaborative Fellow spaces - what would you want to use them for?


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  • Hi, Whilst I really like the concepts and look & feel, given my area of professional & social focus I wanted to point out the lack of accessibility for people in a range of disability categories. The use of video, voice to text, the ability to represent yourself and interact in a multitude of ways, have some control over personalising the site and digital assets etc would make the site and digital developments a much more equitable experience and it would have much greater alignment to many of the RSA's values. Get in touch if you want to any further detail

  • We shared these very initial prototypes at the last Show and Ask in September. We'll be looking to refine these and dig deeper into the requirements for each over the next couple of Sprints. Join the discussion and tell us what you think in the comments!

    You can also join us at the next Show and Ask on 28 October to see where we've got to based on your feedback. Sign up via the link provided above. 

Fellowship Digital Services project

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