Canterbury Arts Conference 2018

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Canterbury will be playing host to local and international visitors this July as it hosts the 5th annual Canterbury Arts Conference. The theme for this year’s CArtsCon is “Moving Art”.

Is art moveable? How do you physically move art? Where do you move it to? Why? Perhaps art does not stay still. It could be simple like a windchime, mobile or dreamweaver, or as complex as kinetic art or animation or a motion picture. Do we have to follow it where it goes (e.g. fireworks, the Northern Lights)?

By not remaining stationary, does it mean that art drives people into movement and/or action? Can art motivate people to do or change something, or can it mobilise a new movement? How has art itself “moved” over the years, in different countries/cultures/contexts… does art go forward or backwards? Does art need to progress? Is it time to change the position of how art is viewed in society, or how art plays a role in society?

Finally, how does art make you feel?  Does it move you by arousing emotions, affecting or occupying your thoughts?

CArtsCon 2018 aims to fuse these concepts into a lively debate.

It is open to artists in all arts disciplines and media, academics, historians, curators, students, researchers, policy makers, and professionals in arts-related fields.  A short film showcase will present selected short films from around the world. Schoolchildren in Canterbury will compete for prizes in an art competition.

The Canterbury ArtsCon will take place from 10th to 12th July 2018.  The official CArtsCon website at

Call for Participation

We are looking for the following (up til April 1):

a)       Academic Paper Presentations

b)       Topical Speakers

c)       Workshop leaders

d)       5 participants for an industry panel looking at How the Arts Can Propel Society Forward

e)       Submissions of short films (max 8 minutes)

For presentations, speakers have up to 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Abstract and other information can be found on the CArtsCon website.

Alternatively, please contact Julian Ng, FRSA on [email protected].

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