Come to your regional conference

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Following the recent election of Regional/National Chairs and Fellowship Council (full results are on the Governance pages) the next major step is to develop the Regional Teams across the RSA.  This is a great opportunity for Fellows to get involved and support activity in their area through activities, networks and projects. 

Each Regional/National Team consists of Chair, Fellowship Council representative and a  Regional Programme Manager. In addition, we are also looking for Fellows to help develop projects, run events assist with communications, share expertise and skills as well as support networking sessions.  

Following the recent governance elections, regions across the UK are holding their annual conferences (formerly AGMs). These events will explore recent projects and planned activity for the next 12 months.  These sessions provide an opportunity for all Fellows to find out what has been happening in their areas.  Full details of Annual Conferences can be found on the website (Yorkshire and Wales are being held 1 Sept, and East Midlands on 8 Sept).

If you would like to join a regional team or simply find out more about what is happening in your area please contact Networks or Vivienne Long-Ferguson.


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