Connecting RSA Fellows across the North

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  • Fellowship

Within the RSA Fellowship, we witness the potential of individuals meeting each other, establishing new working relationships, project partnerships, and friendships. Over the next six months we’re piloting RSA Connections, a new opportunity for you to make connections and collaborate within the Fellowship, regardless of where you live.

Sign up to take part and be matched to a randomly-selected Fellow. You’ll then have the month to arrange and meet your FRSA match (in person or online).

I've met people from really different walks of life whom I'd otherwise never have met and we've challenged each other. It's a very non-threatening way of networking and learning. I look forward to each new encounter.

- Feedback from a Fellow taking part in a similar programme run by the RSA Islington Network.

Connecting with your FRSA match:

We suggest a 30 minute meet, but it's entirely up to you. If you’re:

  • Meeting in person, why not catch up at a local coffee shop or extend the invite to an upcoming event.
  • Connecting over call/Skype, why not pop the kettle on and turn your e-mails off before making the call to make the most of your e-meet (without the need to travel).  

To participate: 

  1. Update your MyRSA profile. Find more information about how to do this here.
  2. Having updated your myRSA profile, register your interest in participating: e-mail Rachel Barker, RSA Regional Coordinator - [email protected]
  3. Keep an eye on your inbox: you will receive your monthly match by e-mail.
  4. On receiving your RSA connection, contact your match through 'find a Fellow' on myRSA and arrange a time to meet, call, or Skype over the coming month (before the next match is made).

Embrace the power to create through conversation

What to discuss is entirely up to you and your match. As a starting point, consider watching the RSA’s Power to Create (four minute) video and share your thoughts and ideas on creativity.

Matches with Fellows across the north will be made by random selection on a monthly basis.

This programme is a pilot across the North and we welcome feedback throughout. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the culture of conversation, please contact Rachel Barker, Regional Coordinator: [email protected]

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  • Sounds like a good idea - I can do it / will try it

    • Thanks Paul, I will send more information across to you by e-mail.

  • Hi Rachel, Very happy to be considered for this, Kind regards, Ian

    • Hi Ian, thanks for your interest to take part in RSA Connections. I have emailed you regarding next steps. Kind regards,


  • I think this looks like a great idea. Looking forward to meeting and sharing ideas. Sometimes networking receptions or events don't always work, so 'targeted networking' might be better! 

    • Hi Alok, thanks for the feedback. I've sent you an email with next steps as to how to take part in our March match. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • I look forward to being matched with likeminded individuals to share ideas and build new enterprises.

    • Hi Sara, great to have you on board in time for our 2nd match. I've sent you an e-mail with next steps.

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