Connecting the Fellowship: Penny Hay

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Penny Hay FRSA is based in Bath and wants to bring art and creativity to the forefront of the city. She is a lecturer at Bath Spa University and along with other local Fellows is currently running a campaign to crowdfund for a four day arts event which will hopefully lead to a more permanent installation in Bath. Find out more about the campaign and what inspires Penny:

1) Please give a brief explanation of what it is you do and why?

I am an artist and educator. Currently I am Senior Lecturer in Arts Education at Bath Spa University and Director of Research for 5x5x5=creativity, an arts-based action research organisation with charitable status that supports the creative development of children and young people. I integrate my experience in arts and education with participative action research engaging individuals, institutions and communities. My doctoral research is focused on how as adults we support children’s identity as artists. I am active in supporting children’s rights.

2) What did you join the Fellowship for?

I am committed to turning creative ideas into creative actions. I value being part of a network of colleagues interested in making a difference to people's lives, sharing expertise, resources and skills across disciplines.

3) In what capacity do you think you could contribute to the Fellowship/society?

I am open to sharing my experience with creative education, creativity and contemporary art practice, working alongside others to make a real difference to the quality of people's lives.

4) What would you change in society given the chance?

I would make sure that every single child has access to the arts, culture and creativity no matter what their circumstances or background.

5) What recent bit of news have you heard which inspires you?

That Brian Eno thinks that every child should have an art school education with an emphasis on creativity and critical thought, in direct contrast to the current 'deficit' model of education.

6) What did you learn last week?

I learnt that the children in the most socially deprived areas of Bath are absolutely determined to keep creativity in their lives. Watch this video we made about encouraging creativity in schools.

7) Tell us about another interesting Fellow you have spoken to.

Nic Garrick is an amazingly creative and forward thinking educator who inspires young people to take responsibility for their own learning, ask their own questions and find problems to solve in innovative ways.

8) What would you like to connect with Fellows about? Please tell us if there is anything you would like from other Fellows

Our RSA Kickstarter campaign aims to raise £10,000 to fund a 4 day contemporary arts event right in the centre of Bath – a cutting edge pop-up space with 4 action packed days of immersive and creative installations, paving the way for a permanent contemporary arts centre. We want to re-invent Bath as a city of imagination and creativity - at the heart of our mission is playfulness, curiosity and eccentricity. We want to engage an intergenerational audience with radical, contemporary art. There are nine days left so please take a look!

I would relish the opportunity to work collaboratively with other Fellows in order to create new possibilities together – whether this involves artistic or curatorial expertise, management, finance and fundraising, marketing or communication skills. All ideas welcome!

You can connect with Penny:

By email

Via LinkedIn

On Twitter @PenAHay  

Visit the ArtSpace Bath campaign on the RSA crowdfunding page on Kickstarter where you can read about and support Penny's plans for Bath. You can give feedback, volunteer your time, share it with your network or become a financial backer.

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