Connecting the Fellowship: Steve Ralf

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  • Fellowship

Steve Ralf FRSA is committed to helping people break the cycle of poverty in the developing world. Steve is looking for support via RSA crowdfunding for an inflatable cinema which will screen local and international documentaries covering educational themes, using entertainment to inspire change:

1) Please give a brief explanation of what it is you do and why?

As well as running social enterprise Inklusive CIC, I am also part of an International Board that runs a number of social businesses in Meru, Kenya. I do this because it is essential that we break cycles of poverty and support people to stand on their own two feet. People benefit from shelter, nutrition, health education and enterprise through a pathway of support that encourages self-reliance and empowers individuals to become part of the solution and be the change they want to see in the world. We engage, support and assist the local community to find their own solutions through knowledge transfer in sustainable farming and living, developing and offering affordable education and health services and creating training opportunities, employment and stimulating enterprise. 

It is also important to show that you can run financially successful businesses without causing harm to individuals, communities and society. Everything we do from our farm, women’s housing, internet café, chicken business, Market Stall, Micro-finance, Business in a Box Programme and Tree Planting Business is operated using sustainability and permaculture design techniques. 

2) Why did you join the Fellowship?

To be part of a network of amazing knowledge, skills and experience. To share my passion for creativity and my belief that whatever we make, we make it better together.

3) In what capacity do you think you could contribute to society/the Fellowship? 

I contribute towards the Social Enterprise Network breakfasts and could do more to support in the field of sustainable development, international trade and business development.

4) What would you change in society given the chance? 

I would ask that no-one was allowed to be a billionaire until everyone in the world had access to education, water, food and shelter.

5) What recent bit of news have you heard which inspires you? 

I was so inspired by the Question Time with Malala at The World Bank last week. Who could not have anything but admiration for this amazing young woman? See more.

6) What did you learn last week? 

I learned last week that Switzerland was debating a minimum income guarantee and Swiss residents will soon vote on an initiative that would guarantee a basic monthly income of 2,500 Swiss franks ($2,800) for all working adults in the country to combat income inequality across the nation. It should make us think about the choices made with the resources at our disposal.

7) Tell us about another interesting Fellow you have spoken to. 

I recently attended an RSA Network meeting attended by Karen Lowthrop of Hill Holt Wood – an awesome social enterprise in Lincolnshire. I am always amazed by Karen’s energy, drive and forthrightness.

8) What would you like to connect with Fellows about? Please tell us if there is anything (i.e. experience, expertise etc) you would like from other Fellows.

I would love to hear from other Fellows running businesses in Africa – I am always looking at ways we can work together. We are also considering opening a college in Meru and I will needs loads of support and advice about making this happen! Please also visit our current crowdfunding project and see if there are ways you can support us! 

Email Steve | Follow Steve on Twitter at @Procrastor or @HaunaMatataInk | Contact Steve on Facebook | Support Steve's crowdfunding project.

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