Fellowship Digital Services: Alpha Phase Sprint notes 4

Fellowship news

  • Digital
  • Fellowship

We focussed on mapping out the target end-to-end experience how we will test it.

We held our first workshop with Fellows - a small, interactive, participatory session testing early hypotheses, sharing ideas for what the future digital experience could look like and helping us to prioritise where to start experimenting.

We asked a diverse group of Fellows with different needs and wants from the Fellowship provided feedback on how we can move:

  • From a fragmented experience with activity hidden and hard to know what to do next, to a visible, active community with clear engagement pathways.
  • From barriers to connecting and communicating with people, to easily connecting and communicating with individuals, groups and wider RSA.
  • From broadcasting content and inactive Fellowship forums, to active, collaborative spaces to continue conversations and share ideas.
  • From no clear pathways to contact or feedback on programmes, to programmes working in the open and valued contributions from Fellows.
  • From disjointed content, and difficult navigation and search, to easy discoverability and celebrating and promoting great work and stories.

We used the feedback from Fellows to design prototypes for testing with a wider group of Fellows at the next Workshop. Here is an example of feedback gathered for a section of the target experience:

We used the feedback from Fellows to design prototypes for testing with a wider group of Fellows at the next Workshop. Here is an example of feedback gathered for a section of the target experience:

We’re committed to putting the needs of Fellows first and taking an iterative experimentation approach to learn what works and what doesn't. As part of this, we are creating a series of co-design workshops throughout the design process with small groups of Fellows. An informal, creative space for you to provide us with guidance and expertise on the direction of the project and test potential solutions. ​

If you are interested in taking part in future Workshops and you haven’t already indicated this via the Show & Ask feedback form, please do let us know via email to [email protected] and include details of your relevant experience. 

Our second Show & Ask took place on Thursday 26 August. 

It was attended by over 35 Fellows, both UK and Global, across the two sessions. Fellows Clare Gage and Peter Clitheroe shared examples of inclusive engagement activity within the RSA and the outcomes it led to. We also experimented with discussion principles to create a positive and inclusive space for sharing. For more detail see Sprint Notes 3.

During the Show & Ask we invited Fellows to rate which areas would most improve the experience of engaging with the RSA online. 30 Fellows voted and the results were the same in both the morning and afternoon sessions:  

Fellowship Digital Services project

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