Can You Help make the Creativity in Public Services Network a success?

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

The RSA Creativity in Public Services Network was set up in 2015 to enable Fellows to explore the meaning and practice of creativity in public services.

 The group deliberately adopted wide definitions both of creativity, and public services. So, although artistic creativity is definitely part of our their field of interest, they are also interested in creativity and innovation in all sorts of contexts, and as part of the whole spectrum of professional practice. Public services (in the widest sense of the word) are increasingly being delivered by third sector and private organisations, so the Fellows in this group are not confining their interest to national and local government structures.

Following some exploratory events last year, a small leadership team formed, and they decided this year to run a series of events focusing on a particular project or topic involving creative thinking and practice. Their first event, in February, featured Dr Sophie Churchill, founder of the Corpse Project, which is developing new thinking about the disposal of human remains. They have plans to run two further events soon: one with the Corpse Project continuing the very interesting discussion started in February; and another which is being explored with a partner organisation at the moment. 

Meanwhile, for various reasons, several members of our leadership group are no longer able to be active to the same degree as in the past. If the group is to continue, they really need a few more people to join the group and help share the load of designing and leading sessions, managing publicity and networking on behalf of the group.

If you might be interested, please do email the Fellows who have taken over the leadership of the group - Smita Bora ([email protected]) and Martin Wheatley ([email protected]) to talk, without any commitment at this stage.

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