Help solve farming problems at Farm Hack

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Science

Three RSA Fellows are involved in organising a Farm Hack as part of Manchester Science Festival. Join Erinma Ochu FRSA, Caroline Ward FRSA and Anne Dornan FRSA on 24th October to help solve farming problems by designing new open source tools, working alongside farmers, scientists, engineers, artists and designers.

A Farm Hack is a brainstorming event that brings together people from all walks of life to collaborate as a community to come up with innovative ideas for problems that farmers are facing. It is the beginning of a community process of designing, building, and documenting tools for resilient agriculture.

Location: CityLabs, Nelson Street, Manchester, M13 9NQ

Register your free ticket here: 

Choose a ticket that best describes what you can offer skillswise. If you feel you don't fit a listed category, select the wildcard ticket.

After the creative brainstorm and design session on 24th October, selected designs will be prototyped at FabLab on the 31st October and shared online via Creative Commons for farmers around the world to
use. Creative and open minds are very welcome. When signing up, please also note if you can attend the second workshop on 31st October, which will take place at FabLab in Manchester.

Refreshments and Access

Tea, coffee & lunch will be provided on both days. Please include any dietary requirements and access needs on sign up.

Partners & Supporters

Farm Hack is presented as part of Manchester Science Festival. This FarmHack is run in partnership with Manchester Science Partnerships, Aquaponics Lab and FabLab. It is supported by The Wellcome Trust, The University of Manchester (HEIF/ UMI3/HEFCE UnLtd) and The School of Social Entrepreneurs NW.

Please contact the team with any questions: [email protected]

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