News: Massive SMALL in Action

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

‘In an increasingly complex and changing world, where global problems are felt locally, the systems we use to plan, design and build our towns and cities are doomed to failure’, says Professor Kelvin Campbell, an RSA Fellow and Built Environment Fellow with the Royal Commission 1851.

‘Governments alone cannot solve these problems. All is not lost. There is a tremendous amount of energy in active citizens, civic leaders and urban professionals who want to help solve urban problems - but it is stifled by the system.’

Driven by a strong social purpose with a worldwide focus and reach, the Massive SMALL Project, led by Kelvin, is looking to build a better urban society by showing how governments, in working together with people, can become effective again.

The Project has been boosted by the Massive SMALL Declaration, which has been endorsed by many of the world’s thought leaders and changemakers in this field – people like RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor, John FC Turner, Toni Griffin, Saskia Sassen, Jason Roberts and John Habraken, to name a few. They also recently crowdfunded on RSA Kickstarter and raised an impressive £38,000. 

To build the movement, the team are creating a concise body of collective knowledge designed to change our top-down systems: a book of lessons from the field; an online submissions platform to collect, develop and share knowledge; a visual framework for building action; and a sourcebook of evolving ideas, tools and tactics - both printed and later online.

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