New Fellowship Councillor for Scotland

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

We welcome Neil McLennan as the new Fellowship Councillor for Scotland, joining Tanya Hine.

Following our recent vacancy, Neil McLennan has been appointed as the new Fellowship Councillor for Scotland, joining Tanya Hine.  Neil has held a number of key roles in supporting change and improvement in education.  After a teaching career he was seconded to Learning & Teaching Scotland (now Education Scotland) as a National Development Officer.  After two successful secondments implementing national policy he moved to the North East as Quality Improvement Officer (Education, Culture and Sport) for Aberdeen City Council where he also undertook a period as Acting Service Manager (Schools & Curriculum).  

He currently supports leaders in education and across public and third sectors in his role as Senior Lecturer and Director of Leadership Programmes at the University of Aberdeen School of Education. He hopes to use his experience to support the Scottish fellowship in bringing individual ideas together in collaboration and partnership to contribute to the modern enlightenment.

Neil will be working closely with Jamie and Tanya, and connecting with Fellows in the New Year – his contact details will be shared once his Fellowship Council email is set up, but you can connect with him on Twitter in the meantime.

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