News from RSA International

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Over the past month, the RSA has been represented at several prominent global events where we have been sharing our thought leadership on education, entrepreneurship and the Power to Create.

RSA 2020 Public Services Director, Ben Lucas presented City Growth to academics, public and private sector leaders in Bogota, Colombia, for UN-Habitat ‘World Cities Day’. Speaking alongside the World Bank and Mayors from Brazilian and Mexican cities, this level of interest is testament to the global resonance of both the Power to Create and recent City Growth Report.    

At the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Qatar, Director of Education Joe Hallgarten and Laura Southerland of our international team, explored what it takes for education institutions to be more creative, through a series of presentations and workshops.  

In Mexico, Natalie Nicholles our new Director of RSA International and Director of ARC Adam Lent, presented on the Power to Create in relation to entrepreneurship, at the Brilliant Minds Festival. The RSA is also partnering with their Gifted Citizen Prize, a competition to find the world’s best social entrepreneur. The winner will receive $100,000 to affect the lives of 10 million people over 6 years. All finalists will be connected into the RSA Fellowship.

Continuing the RSA’s recent global presence, Matthew Taylor spoke to an audience of thousands of utility sector employees at the European Utility Week in Holland. He outlined the Power to Create concept and focused on how the current energy business model could be transformed.

These are exciting examples of the RSA’s growing international reach, reflected in our Fellowship across the world. If you are a Fellow living outside the UK and would like to discuss opportunities in your country, please contact the RSA International Team or take a look at our International Connectors - a network of Fellows worldwide who help to coordinate RSA activity in their locations and act as a first point of contact for new Fellows in their country. 

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