Next phase for the technology update

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

We are now well into the next phase of the technology delivery programme to create a new RSA website and extend the services available for users. This will allow us to create a number of innovative services for Fellows which will provide a better online experience, delivering more of the things that Fellows need to enable networking and to enable you to support the RSA's strategy and mission. 

The work is being developed in a number of intermediate stages, leading to the final launch in autumn. In the first stage, which finishes at the end of May, we will deliver prototypes of an online application process for becoming a Fellow and the first release of the new Fellow profiles. The latter is a key part of the new Fellows' portal where a searchable profile of interests, skills and activities can be displayed and shared with other like-minded Fellows, to enable discussion and collaboration on ideas, projects and events. It will also allow Fellows to search for other Fellows using a range of criteria and to communicate with each other.

We are developing completely new designs and page structures for the website to make sure it is highly attractive to view and much easier to use. For the first time, the website will use a completely ‘responsive’ design which ensures that the content is well presented no matter which device is used from a small mobile phone to a large desktop screen.

As part of our commitment to a user-centred design process, all developments in each release will be tested with a range of users, Fellows and non-Fellows, to make sure we’re putting the right things in place and are achieving real improvements before we start developing the next features. Testing for this stage will be taking place in late May/early June. We already have a list of Fellows who have kindly offered to participate in our regular testing but please get in touch via this link if you’d like to be added to the list.

There will be four more releases between now and the final launch. We will be testing these with users, and will keep you updated with more news and a first look at the new designs over the coming months. 

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