Raspberry Pi in Derby?

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Get involved with a programming project in a Derby primary school Fellows in Derby have begun gathering the ingredients for a pilot Raspberry Pi computer science project across a number of Primary schools.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation develop the Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized single-board computer, with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools.  The project is underway but they are missing a key component and need your help to expand the panel of experts.  The group are seeking volunteers to work with students alongside teaching staff, to show pupils the wonders of computer science and coding and to advise on developing resources and activities as we move forward.

Do you or your business have the knowledge or expertise to support the next generation of coders and makers?  

We have teamed up with the Derby Silk Mill and a range of business partners to offer real world experience of computer science to help increase the flow of tech literate students into the local economy.  Whilst we recognise that not all Fellows live near Derby we welcome Fellows who would like to help shape the project and explore how it develops. We are looking for 5-10 'coders' or 'makers' around Derby to get involved. The initial stage is to run a pilot with two primary schools in Derby and to evaluate the learning for teachers and students before growing and expanding into other local schools.


Please contact Richard Pickford the regional programme manager for further information and to offer your support.

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