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Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

The RSA’s Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) seek 24 early-career designers and 12 wildcards to join 12 Royal Designers at a Summer School at Dartington Hall, Devon. Over four days and three nights, the school inspires, challenges, and provokes designers and those who use design, sharing experiences and searching for insight. Designers of any discipline with between 5 and 15 years’ experience, and wildcards - people who intersect design, as commissioners, public servants, teachers, users - are invited to apply to join the ranks of the UK’s leading designers including Sir Kenneth Grange.

Millennium Bridge designer Chris Wise RDI is co-directing this year’s programme with Dinah Casson RDI, exhibitions and interior designer.

“The summer school is both touch-stone and touch-paper, reassuring at first, and then a fuse is ignited. Flashes of insight come when nurse, designer, economist, engineer and neuroscientist face each other openly. A well-spring for understanding how ideas are born, and why design is at the core of our being.” 

Royal Designers have designed, amongst other things, the iPhone, the Harry Potter film sets, the mini-skirt, the Millennium Bridge, the London taxi, and the world wide web. Many of them will be at the school.

Subsidised by the Royal Designers and our supporters the event, including accommodation, food, and transport from London is provided for a registration fee of £200.

Apply at  The website has further information and an application form.

The deadline for applications is.

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