RSA House Development Survey

Fellowship news 2 Comments

  • Fellowship

The House Development Survey was sent to a sample of just over 3,000 RSA Fellows, many of whom had expressed interest in changing and developing parts of the House.

Here is a quick summary of the findings. For more detail, please read the full survey:

  • Just over 40% of Fellows use the House at least once a year. 
  • Fellows in London and the South East use the House most frequently, but 35% of Fellows in the rest of the UK visit at least once a year.
  • The Gerard Bar and the informal meeting spaces are used most frequently, but the Gerard Bar attracted the lowest general satisfaction. 
  • When asked for potential improvements, two thirds of Fellows surveyed said they wanted a larger coffee shop.
  • Other suggested improvements included: weekend opening hours, a bar in the evening, and more desks to work at.


Fellows would like a bigger Gerard Bar or alternative coffee shop. This is the most used part of the facility for Fellows, but also the one with the lowest satisfaction score.

As well as providing spaces for private meetings with Fellows and their guests, thought should be given to how a space could be designed to encourage spontaneous interactions between Fellows – this is something that is requested frequently.

The House not being open at weekends is a barrier for those Fellows who never visit London during the week – this was the second most prioritised improvement, and one of the top three requested overall.

A House Development Committee has been established to look at these areas in more detail. 

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  • Hi Brian, yes please do send through any additional comments through to [email protected] which will get passed on to the house development committee.  

  • Is the House Development Committee interested in further feedback? Who should I contact? Thanks. 

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