RSA International collaborates with British Council for south asia skills event

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Historically, the RSA’s original enlightenment mission of ‘Undertakings for the publick good’, and its contemporary version of ‘enhancing human capability’ have always been internationally minded by their nature. This mandate has led to the establishment of RSA International, with the intention of increasing the RSA’s presence and profile globally, initiating new projects and enriching our existing work through international perspectives and collaboration.  

One example of the work RSA International is currently involved in is a collaboration with the British Council Pakistan to explore the effects of globalisation and labour market trends on education and employment.  This will involve an event to be held from Monday 23 - Tuesday 24 September 2013 on the theme of the Skills Revolution in the UK and South Asia. The seminar will bring together 120 leading policy makers and practitioners from the UK and South Asia to explore issues such as youth unemployment, the growth of knowledge economies, the increasing numbers of migrant workers, the impact of globalisation and technology on the world of work and how best to match the supply and utilisation of skills.

The influential line-up of speakers includes Sir Geoff Hall at the Foundation for Education and Skills and Nosheena Mobarik, of CBI Scotland. Held at the RSA, the event will also consider the findings of new research conducted by the RSA and the Economic Intelligence Unit into these issues. 

Approximately 2,000 Fellows are based outside of the UK and we are continually seeking opportunities to work with and expand our international Fellowship. RSA Connectors are international Fellows who act as a liaison point for existing and potential Fellows, and who assist local Fellows to organise events and collaborate on projects.

If your country does not yet have its own RSA Connector and you are interested in applying, please contact Laura Southerland on [email protected].

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