RSA Premiums: open innovation for social change

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

At the heart of the RSA’s mission is the idea that we all possess a latent power to create and shape the world around us in beneficial ways. The RSA’s ‘Premiums’ - open prize challenges – originally ran from 1754-1850.  Their aim was to mobilise and focus mass creative capacity to tackle economic and social challenges.  Now we need your ideas to help revive that tradition as we bring Premiums into the 21st century with two new open challenges:

Challenge One: Valuing Your Talent premium

Valuing Your Talent (VyT) is an RSA partnership programme with a number of professional bodies including CIMA, CIPD and CMI. Our aim is to help businesses better understand and invest in the value of their people, to improve the knowledge, skills and capabilities of the workforce.

Complex problems require a range of different perspectives and responses. We want to involve people with backgrounds including management (e.g. entrepreneurs, HR, accountancy, general management),  academia (e.g. economics, HRM, psychology) technology (e.g. software, analytics) design and the creative industries (e.g. infographics/visualisation). But it’s open to anyone! Or you might come from a completely unexpected perspective.  You can help by getting involved in one or more of the following VyT Challenges:

 Find out more and post your idea on the Valuing your Talent website.

Challenge Two: The Good Business Premium

The RSA/Northbank Good Business Challenge is your opportunity to make the Northbank business district of London, in which the RSA is located (Trafalgar Sq, Strand/Embankment and Aldwych) a vibrant, experimental area for sustainable and successful business.

Submit your ideas for attractions, projects, innovations or ventures that could be trialled in the Northbank and that combine benefits for business, society and the environment.  Your idea might be a cheap and cheerful one-off event, or it might be an ambitious, high-value enterprise.  

If you live or work in the NorthBank area, or just have a vision for how it could develop along these lines, post an idea, and with £200k worth of Northbank investment over the next few years, it could become reality! 

Find out more and post your idea on the Good Business Premium website.  


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