Showcasing the RSA

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

A week-long celebration of the RSA

During the week of 10 - 14 September,  the RSA will be putting on a celebration of its work, past, present and future.

We are at an exciting time in our 250-year long history. Not only have we recently refurbished much of the House, including a significant refresh of the Great Room, we are also shortly to introduce our new Action and Research Centre (ARC). This change in name is designed to better encapsulate both the thinking and doing aspects of the RSA’s project work, which have grown significantly over the past year. 

At a time of unprecedented social, economic and environmental challenges, we want to use this week of events to showcase what the RSA is doing to drive forward positive change in UK and beyond, whether it be through our 27,000-strong network of Fellows, our popular Events programme, or our Action and Research Centre.

The week’s activities include:

Monday 10th:

  • The RSA President’s Lecture: Why Creativity is the New Economy.Dr Richard Florida will show how developing the full human and creative capabilities of each individual will put us back on the path to economic and social prosperity.

Tuesday 11th

  • Whole Person Employment and Enhancing Employability. A morning workshop will be used to discuss the RSA’s new Employability Programme and a forthcoming project around ‘Whole Person Employment’.

  • Inspired Enterprise and the Millennial Generation

    An afternoon workshop will bring together 50 inspiring young entrepreneurs to discuss the role their generation can play in addressing today’s biggest challenges, and the type of support they need in order to do so.

  • The Millennials Debate. An expert panel, including Matthew Taylor, Adam Lent and Martha Lane Fox, will explore whether the entrepreneurial drive of the Millennial generation can shape the zeitgeist for the first half of 21st century.

Wednesday 12th

  • The Power to Act: A New Angle on our Toughest Problems

    In his annual lecture, Matthew Taylor will argue for an ambitious new framework to address some of the world’s most complex and pressing problems.

Thursday 13th

  • Prospects for a New Progressivism

    A leading panel of experts, including Tristram Hunt, Jesse Norman and Miranda Green, will ask whether politics in the UK can evolve quickly enough to rise to the biggest challenges of today.

  • Innovate! An Evening of Inspiration and Spectacle

    The RSA will present an evening of innovation, inspiration and spectacle to celebrate the re-opening of the RSA House, including a performance from techno-illusionist Marco Tempest and an exclusive premiere of the new RSA Animate.

Friday 14th

  • Fellows’ Friday. RSA Fellowship will host a day-long event that will showcase the scale and scope of the impact made by our Fellows. Activities will include a Social Entrepreneurs Network brunch, networking lunch and an online discussion of past and present projects, including those kick-started by RSA Catalyst. Book your place here.

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