The Campaign: Reinvigorating National Debate and Decision-Making

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  • Fellowship

Are you fed up with the quality of national debate and decision-making? If ‘yes’, support ‘The Campaign’ in doing something about it.

Founded by Paddy Radcliffe FRSA, The Campaign is working to reinvigorate the quality of our national debate and decision-making. It plans to engage key national decision-makers and influencers (politicians primarily, but also business leaders, the media and others - up to 5,000 individuals initially) in the development of 'The Principles - a charter for quality debate and decision-making'.

 At the same time, The Campaign will hold those decision-makers and influencers to account, building public pressure on them to engage with, commit to and apply The Principles. 

 The Campaign is raising funds to support its activities.   Please contribute what you can and support the development of quality national debate and decision-making.  The crowdfund closes on 12th September.

 The Campaign is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is apolitical.  #WithoutFearOrFavour.

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