The RSA in your area

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

The RSA is entering an exciting new era. The current strategic review aims to deepen the RSA’s impact across three areas of work: education and creativity; public services and communities; and design, enterprise and manufacturing. 

Annual conferences take place in every region of the UK and give Fellows the opportunity to find out what the RSA is working on, meet other Fellows and find out what activity is coming up in local areas. The annual conferences in 2014 will include the RSA's strategic review, the concept of the 'Power to Create' and give you a chance to offer your views. 

The first annual conference will take place in the South West this starting at 10.30am to be held in Devenport. If you would like to come along to find out what Fellows are doing in the South West to make a difference, you can book a place online.

Get involved at your local annual conference. You can see when and where they are taking place in the different UK regions below:

  • East of England, Saturday, 14 June 2014 from 9.30am to 5pm, Norwich.  Book your place

  • North East, Wednesday, 2 July 2014 from 5.30pm to 9pm, Newcastle upon Tyne.  Book your place

  • South Central, Saturday, 5 July 2014 from 9.30am to 1pm, Winchester.  Book your place

  • East Midlands, Saturday, July 12, 2014 from 10am to 4pm, Derby.  Book your place.  

  • West, Saturday, July 12, 2014 from 10.30am to 4pm, Bath.  Book your place.

  • West Midlands, Saturday, July 26, 2014 from 11am to 2.45pm, Birmingham.  Book your place

  • Ireland, Wednesday, 15 October 2014 from 11am to 5pm, Belfast. Book your place

The regional conferences are a great opportunity to meet other Fellows near you and explore how the values of the RSA could impact your area.  To book a place at your local conference, please see the event links above. If your region isn't listed, please keep an eye out for further dates. Other conference details will be confirmed shortly – contact your regional manager if you have any questions.  

To find out more about local activity, speak to your local team and regional manager, which you can find via the Where you are web pages. 


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