The RSA strategic review - the Power to Create

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

One of the reasons Fellows join the RSA is to be part of a historical institution that has contributed enormously to a better society over 250 years. Through the RSA, Fellows have access to the brightest ideas; they support cutting edge research and projects that make a positive difference in education, enterprise, design, and public services. As a Fellow, you are part of an active network of people who wish to make a contribution to a better economy and society.

To ensure that the RSA develops its ability to make a real difference even further, we are currently undertaking a strategic review that will guide the institution in the next few years. It is being led by the RSA’s Trustees. 

Those of you who follow the RSA Blogs will have seen a lively discussion about the ‘Power to Create’. This is a developing ethos that will underpin our change programme. Fellows will have the opportunity very soon to give their thoughts on the Power to Create in a forthcoming Fellows’ survey.     

Alongside the ‘Power to Create’, we are developing core aims in three areas: Design, Enterprise and Manufacturing; Education and Creativity; and Public Services and Communities. One core principle of the change programmes will be that Fellow activism and involvement will be absolutely critical if ambitious aims are to be realised. Our Fellowship is a source of strength and we will be engaging proactively with Fellows to help secure the impact we are challenging ourselves to have. 

The strategic review will continue throughout 2014. We aim to inspire Fellows to mobilise around a positive vision of change with clear and defined aims. This is an exciting time to be part of the RSA. We look forward to sharing our plans with you as they emerge over the next few months. 

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