Apply to be an RSA Trustee

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Leadership

We are pleased to announce that we have three positions that will become available for elected Trustees.

One of our current Trustees, Peter Fell, will be standing for a second three year term. 

The RSA Trustee Board 

The RSA Board is the governing body of the charity and oversees all its activities. The Trustees have ultimate responsibility for organisational strategy, resourcing, risk management and the supervision of all the RSA’s business affairs. The Trustee Board meets four times a year plus one annual Board Away Day. Trustees are not remunerated for their time and the role is entirely voluntary. We ask all elected Trustees to commit to serving for their full three year term.

Expertise Required 

This year for the first time following the change of Bye-laws last year the Board is eligible to make a recommendation of candidates under a starred candidate system*.

The Nominations and Governance Panel has conducted an audit of the current Board and has identified that the following expertise is required:

  • Education generally, and specifically the area of work the RSA conducts under its Creative Learning and Development change aim.
  • The area of work the RSA conducts under its Public Services and Community change aim.
  • IT and Social Media.

Additionally the following expertise and knowledge is highly sought after:

  • Management of Volunteers
  • Board and Governance
  • Management of Change Environments
  • Complex Communication Environments
  • Expertise and commitment to be a representative on the Board of  RSA Academies


How to apply?

If you are interested in applying for either the RSA Trustee Board, please provide a two sided CV and complete the nomination form by returning it to the Governance Manager and Legal Counsel at [email protected].

A full role description can be found here. 

Please note if you are standing for a Trustee position you need 10 Fellows (fully paid up) to support your nomination. The closing date for nominations is 3 June at 5pm, receipt of the ten nominees will be taken up to 5pm 24 June.

The successful candidates will take office at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual General Meeting.

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