Vacancy for new RSA Treasurer

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

The RSA is currently at a very exciting point in its long history as we drive forward our new approach The Power to Create, and focus our work to achieve greater impact. To help realise our ambitions, we are now recruiting for an experienced individual to sit on the Board of Trustees as Treasurer, and help us meet future challenges.   

The Board has set the executive team an exacting challenge. We will be measuring our success through our influence on the assumptions and aspirations of leaders and innovators in all sectors of society, the quality of ideas and initiatives we launch and the number and impact of Fellows’ ventures we are able to help initiate and grow.

We are not underestimating the enormous challenge we have set ourselves, but the RSA over its 260 years has not survived by standing still.

If joining our Board to support this challenge and journey is something for which you believe you have the necessary skills, experience and motivation, we would very much like to hear from you, and are particularly keen for existing Fellows to apply for the role. 

You may already have seen this advertisement published in other media but this serves as a final reminder for you to submit your application.  The closing date of 25th February 2015 is tight but if you would like to apply and have difficulty meeting the deadline, do let us know and we investigate what we can do to accommodate your application. 


View full details and candidate brief 

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