What's next for the RSA Technology Strategy

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

This month we started work on the delivery of the first major item in the RSA Technology Strategy. The strategy has been developed with input from Fellows; both from the 2012 Fellowship Survey and through the Fellowship Council and its Digital Engagement Working Group. This is not to mention the detailed, practical insights that came out of User Experience workshops with a cross section of Fellows who generously gave up their time to help. This group was drawn together to give a balanced representation of the Fellowship as a whole: from new and long standing Fellows; from London and further afield and from those who only occasionally engage through to the highly active.

This first phase consists of the replacement of Progress, our ageing Fellow relationship management system.  The work will replace a database designed in the nineties with a modern fully-featured service from salesforce.com which will create a firm and future-proof basis for supporting new initiatives and requirements.

Phase one of this work leads up to final delivery of the system at the end of December. This will provide much better ways of managing Fellowship, events and fundraising processes than we do now and, from a Fellow’s perspective, will add online payment and online membership applications. Phase one forms the essential foundation for Phase 2, which we hope to start in early 2013. 

Phase two will provide a secure portal where Fellows will be able to update their profiles, make online payments and donations and have better access to information on other Fellows and projects that they wish to connect with, and should be in place by the middle of 2013.

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